Thursday, October 31, 2019

Piece ship to Gaza Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Piece ship to Gaza - Essay Example The reaction brought about by the raid internationally was overwhelming, an investigation was demanded and so was the release of all the A commission was appointed by the government of civilians that had been captured by Israel (Klein 2011, p.57). Israel to look into the matter and its report stated that the Israel Military used force that was within its legal limit but another investigation that was later carried out by the United Nations Human Rights Council cited that there was excessive use of force. The Israel government said that the military men acted in self defense and therefore the report by the United Nations Human Rights Council was biased. The civilians were released and the ship, Mavi Marmara was among the ships that were released back to Turkey and they were accompanied by tugboats that had been sent from Turkey to bring them back (Hughes 2011, p.157). During the journey, no one was allowed to board the Ship, Mavi Marmara, because of the ongoing investigations, they di d not want the evidence to be tampered with but the bullet holes and the windows that had been broken were visible . The Israel government apologized through their Prime Minister Netenyahu and agreed to compensate the families of the affected people, those that lost their lives aboard the ships. A compensation agreement between the government of Israel and that of Turkey was reached on conditions that the compensation would only go the members of the family of the people who died on the Mavi Marmara, the Turkey government had to sign an agreement that they would not sue the Israel government and in case of a lawsuit, the monetary compensation would be given back to Israel. Nine activists were killed in the raid and their bodies were carried to Israel for external examination, the results showed that they had died from gun wounds but one could not tell for sure if it was an execution because the bodies had been washed thereby removing the gunpowder residue before being returned to Tu rkey (Kershner). A funeral service was held in Istanbul and later the bodies transported to their hometowns for individual burial; in addition to the deaths, dozens were wounded, after the takeover of the ship was complete, the medical personnel of Israel Defense Forces then treated them and no deaths of the injured ones were reported. In addition to the people who were on the Mavi Marmara ship, others who were aboard other ships were beaten and injured by weapons that were less lethal; they were hospitalized in Israel for treatment. It was reported that some activists refused medical treatment saying that they would prefer to die as heroes; some went as far as removing the medical equipment, on the Israel troop, seven soldiers were reported to have been injured in the raid. Many videos showing the incident were released, they were taken using night vision technology and they showed the soldiers being hit by metal pipes and chairs by the activists. After the boarding, the activists were put in custody so that they can await their deportation, while the Israel government also had plans to prosecute some activists on grounds of assault of its troops. The activists claimed that during interrogations,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Drug Testing Welfare Recipients Essay Example for Free

Drug Testing Welfare Recipients Essay Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of well-being and social support for all citizens, sometimes referred to as public aid. In most developed countries, welfare is largely provided by the government and to a lesser extent charities, informal social groups, religious groups, and inter-governmental organizations. There are 12,800,000 people on welfare in the United States. 46,700,000 are on food stamps, 5,600,000 are on unemployment insurance. The total government spending on welfare is $131. 9 billion, not including food stamps or unemployment (Welfare Statistics). As of April 17, 2013 29 states have proposed legislation requiring some form of drug testing or screening for public assistance recipients in 2013. Eight states, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Utah, have already passed legislation regarding drug testing or screening for public assistance applicants or recipients. States have proposed drug testing of applicants and recipients of public welfare benefits since federal welfare reform in 1996. In 2009, over 20 states proposed legislation that would require drug testing as a condition of eligibility for public assistance programs, and in 2010 at least 12 states had similar proposals(Drug Testing and Public Assistance). Data from Utah has shown Utah spent more than $30,000 dollars from August 2012 to July 2014 to screen welfare recipients, but only twelve people tested positive. 250 people failed to meet drug screening requirements and were banned from receiving or applying for benefits for three months. Those people would have received more than $350,000 in benefits. Utah’s law does not disqualify people who test positive from benefits, but instead requires them to enter substance abuse treatment. (Utah’s Welfare Drug Testing Saved More than $350,000 in First Year, Officials Say). Robert Rector, senior research fellow in domestic policy at Heritage foundation and leading authority on the welfare system, also believes people receiving welfare should be drug tested. He says, â€Å"Taxpayers should provide support to those in need; recipients, in return, should engage in responsible and constructive behavior as a condition of receiving aid. †. Almost 20% of welfare recipients report recent use of some illicit drug. (Key Research Findings). Robert also says, â€Å"Scientific evaluation of Florida’s drug-testing requirement showed that welfare recipients who used illegal drugs had earning that were 30% lower than those who did not. Quite simply, drug use was linked to lower levels of work. † Peter Cappelli, who is the George W. Taylor Professor of Management at the Wharton School and director of Wharton’s Center for Human Resources, says that police already have the right to require drug test when there is probable cause. Peter states that people do not choose to be on welfare, unlike kids who play football at a local high school. Peter also goes on to say that the children are potentially affected by the drug testing. Kansas’s SB 149 bill says, â€Å"If an applicant for a recipient of cash assistance is ineligible for or terminated from cash assistance as a result of a positive test result for unlawful use of a controlled substance or controlled substance analog, and such applicant for or recipient of cash assistance is the parent or legal guardian of a minor child, an appropriate protective payee shall be designated to receive cash assistance on behalf of such child. †(United States Cong. ). Many who have proposed drug testing those on welfare proposed to require drug testing when reasonable suspicion exist(Drug Testing Public Assistance). The United States should test those on welfare and other benefit programs. The amount it would cost and amount of money that could be saved could help lower the nations national debt. If Utah can save $350,000, the United States as a whole could save even more.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The righteousness of God

The righteousness of God The righteousness of God emphasizes the perfection of His divine character while exposing the fallen nature of man. Romans 3:10 says There is no one righteous, not even one. Verse 11 goes on to say that there is no one who understands, and no one who seeks God. Mankind is fallen, and doomed to eternal damnation if not for the righteousness of God. The thesis of this study will demonstrate that Pauls epistle to the Romans more than any other book of the Bibleprovides profound insight into the free gift, and meaning of the righteousness of God. Gods righteousness is attained by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ. Righteousness is a relationship word, and at the foundation of its meaning is the idea of being right with the other person; doing what is called for to preserve and continue the relationship. God has placed us in right relationship to Him through Christ. Gods righteousness demands He condemn sin, and judge sinners (1:18-3:20). In lieu of that condemnation and judgment, He has provided forgiveness of sin for all who believe in Christ Jesus (justification; 3:21,5:21), and power for living a holy life in right relationship to Himself (sanctification; 6:1, 8:39). Righteousness is the position commanded by God, in which we put on the new self that is created to be like God (Eph. 4:24; 2 Cor. 3:9; 6:14). Its conformity to all He commands or appoints. Since God Himself is the standard, the righteousness of God is the righteousness which belongs to God (Matt. 6:33; James 1:20). Righteousness is Gods standard for which people are expected to attain. Righteousness is what man should do, and righteous are those who do it. What does righteousness mean? The righteousness of God is a righteousness of faith (Rom. 4:11). A brief study of the word righteousness and faith, in their Greek and Hebrew form, will be necessary in order to fully comprehend the righteousness of God. Word Study Righteousness: Greek: (dikaiosune); (1) Pauline thought of the divine action by which God puts a person right with himself, and which then becomes a dynamic power in the believers life making righteous, or a state of having been made righteous (Rom. 1:17). Hebrew: (1) righteousness, justice, rightness, i.e., the state of doing what is required according to a standard (Ps 31:2); (2) justice (Is. 5:23); 3. innocence, i.e., the state of not having any sin or its associated guilt. Faith: Greek: (pistis), (eos), (he): a state of certainty with regard to belief (Ac 17:31); the state of complete dependability (Ro 3:3); Christian faith, belief in the Gospel (Ro 1:8; Eph 2:8; Gal 1:23; Jude 3). Hebrew: (emuwnah); 49 occurrences; AV translates as faithfulness 18 times, truth 13 times, faithfully five times; faithfulness, trustworthiness, steadiness, entrusted, i.e., a state or condition of being dependable to a person or standard. The message of Romans essentially says, we are made righteous because God puts a person in right standing with Him through the faith of the believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Righteousness of God expressed in the Old and New Testaments The idea of the righteousness of God is a fundamental biblical idea that encompasses both Testaments. In the Old Testament God says: Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; For I am God, and there is no other. I have sworn by Myself, the word has gone from My mouth in righteousness, and will not turn back (Isa. 45:22-23). I bring near My righteousness, its not far off: my salvation will not delay (Isa. 46:13; 51:5). In these passages the righteousness of God is conceived as going forth, as projected from the Divine essence, and realizing itself among men. In Is. 54:17 its expressly said, Their righteousness [which] is of Me; and in Is. 45:25 the process is described as one of justification (in the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified. In close attendance on the righteousness of God is His salvation; where the one is, the other immediately follows. Pauls message to the Romans shines a new light on the righteousness of God. His righteousness flows forth and embraces man, when its met by faith. In Romans 3:21, Paul claims that this righteousness of God is attested to in the Old Testament. Paul makes clear that only those who believe will experience Gods righteousness. He reiterates the importance of faith with a quotation from Habakkuk 2:4, The righteous will live by faith.? No other New Testament book exposits the righteousness of God as thoroughly, and precisely, as the book of Romans. From the opening introduction to Pauls final exhortation, Gods righteousness is the pervasive topic. The Righteousness of God by Faith Its unlikely that one can find a passage in Scripture that concisely summarizes the message of salvation more effectively than Romans 1:16-17. The word righteousness occurs ninety-two times in the New Testament, and thirty-six times in the book of Romans. Paul states the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith (v. 17). Its difficult to know exactly what Paul had in mind with this phrase. He may be saying its a faith from first to last, indicating that faith must govern our approach to God throughout our walk with him. We never outgrow our need for faith, and God never changes that requirement. My view is that Paul is describing the faith that Gods people had in Old Testament times (Old Covenant), and the faith that is in Christ Jesus in the New Testament times (New Covenant). Its a continuation of faith from old to new, and first to last; from faith to faith. Righteousness is doing that which is expected within the Covenant relationship. Under the Old Covenant God gave the Law, and thereby demonstrated that man is under obligation to meet with his approval. Under the New Covenant; God gave His Son Jesus, and promises to give his approval if man responds to Christ in faith. Christ is now the object of our faith. Apart From the Law, the Righteousness of God is Manifested In this section (Rom. 3:21-26), Paul shifts to a more positive approach to the gospel. This passage restates the thesis of Romans 1:17, after elaborating its antithesis in 1:18-3:20. If 3:21- 26 is contrasted with all of 1:18-3:20, then its possible to say, As the wrath of God dominated the old era (1:18), so the righteousness of God dominates the new. Now but without Law rightness of God has been demonstrated having testified by the Law, and the spokesmen (Rom. 3:21). This translation shows the challenge of bringing the full meaning of one language into another, but in this verse we see the changing of the guard, so to speak, in relation to Gods righteousness. The fulfillment of the Law is in Christ Jesus: its in Him, and through Him that we obtain righteousness. In other words, according to Paul, God gave the Law not only to regulate the conduct of his people, but more importantly, to reveal their sin until the fulfillment of the promises in Christ. Righteousness came to man by way of proper behavior under the Old Testament Law. The Law reveals the righteousness of God, because the Law is holy, righteous, and good (Rom. 7:12). Through the Gospel righteousness comes by believing in the person, and work, of Jesus Christ. The righteousness of God refers to the manner in which God brings people into a right relationship with Himself. He does this apart from the Law, because by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified (v. 20). If it were possible to keep the Law perfectly, where is righteousness to be found? That encapsulates Pauls theology of Justification. Righteousness is attained through faith (3:22). The cost of Justification is free to us; for God, the price is His Son. Gods wrath was poured out on Jesus as a ransom in order to purchase us for Himself. Through the sacrifice of his Son, God has demonstrated, and satisfied His righteousness (3:25, 26). Its the righteousness which proceeds from God (gen. auctoris), which personally appeared in Christ, who is our Righteousness,? and which is communicated to the believer for Christs sake in the act of justification by faith. This new method of acquiring righteousness does not rely upon works; but on faith, and devotion to Jesus Christ. Its therefore no longer confined to any particular people, but is thrown open without distinction to all, on the sole condition of believing; Jew or Gentile. As stated previously, Justification is through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. However, its not enough to say, I believe, and go to church. Even demons have belief in God, yet they are not justified (James 2:19). A person must believe in the Person, and work of the Lord Jesus Christ; the source of justification. Justification is for all people. Its not what you have done or who you are, its what Jesus has done, and who He is. What mankind could not do for himself, God has done for him through Jesus Christ. All have sinned, and become unacceptable to a holy and righteous God (v. 23). Paul reminds us that the universal invitation to believe is the flip side of the universal need for salvation. There is no difference, he affirms at the end of verse 22, continuing in verse 23 with the well-known summary of 1:18-3:20: all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God. Everyone stands condemned: in need of Justification. There is none who seek God; all have turned aside.there is none who does good, not even one (Rom. 3:11-12). Abraham Believed and Righteousness was Credited to Him Romans chapter four is one of the key chapters relating to the righteousness of God. Continuing his discussion on justification by faith from chapter three, Paul presents Abraham in chapter four to establish his argument for the righteousness of God, to all who believe (Rom. 4:3-5). Paul refutes the assumption of 4:1 by arguing in 4:9-12 that Abraham is not simply the father of the Jews but of all who believe (4:11b). Abraham was not justified by his works but rather by faith (4:2-3). Abraham; the father of us all, and the heir of the world, was credited with righteousness because he believed God through the righteousness of faith (4:13). No other chapter demonstrates Gods righteousness through faith as succinctly as chapter four of Romans because it ties together the old and the new Covenants. Jew is not superior to the Gentile because of their father Abraham. The faith of Abraham is the same faith that allows all nations to accept the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus (4:16-18). When we believe in Christ an exchange occurs, Christ allows our faith to be the incentive for forgiveness, and the bestowal of His righteousness on us. There is absolutely nothing we can do to earn this new position in Christ; its a gift of grace. The remainder of chapter 4 is quickly explained. Pauls remark in 4:16 concerning the faith of Abraham cues the description of Abrahams faith in 4:17-22. Then Paul makes the present day application of the Abraham example in 4:23-25. The Free Gift of Righteousness Where Adam inaugurated a solidarity in sin and death, Christ is presented as the inaugurator of a new, and immeasurably more powerful solidarity in righteousness and life. There is nothing in man that would give cause for God to save him. No person seeks God on his own (Rom. 3:11). That is what makes Romans 5:8 so amazingly incomprehensible. God demonstrates His love for us while we were yet sinners, and died for us. Everyone deserves condemnation unto death. Through Gods perfect love, He chose to provide everyone with the opportunity of receiving His free gift of grace that leads to the righteousness of salvation (5:8-9). Our righteousness is a gift from God, turning condemnation into justification (5:15-17). The disobedience of the one man, Adam, caused many to be made sinners, and the enemies of God (5:8;10). In contrast to the disobedience of Adam, the obedience of the one man, Jesus, made the free gift of righteousness possible through His atoning work on the cross (v. 16). Since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul frequently uses the term righteousness in a paradoxical sense by showing how God offers righteousness to the unrighteous as a free gift by declaring them justified through Jesus Christ (Rom. 3:24). In Romans 5:9, the ungodly of v.6, sinners of v.8, and enemies of God in v. 10 are now declared righteous. They become the recipients of the abundant provision of the gift of grace, and righteousness, through Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:17). There is mercy in God, there is sufficiency in the satisfaction of Christ: the promise is free, and universal. Nothing is or ever can be goodness in man except for the spirit of Christ revealed in his soul. Christ in us is our only goodness, as Christ in us is our hope of glory. Christ in us is the pure free gift of God to us because the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom. 6:23). There are many things we will never fully understand this side of heaven. Gods love is one of those things. How can we comprehend the love He has for us? He laid down His life for His friends. (John 15:12-14). We are His friend if we love each other as He loves us. The origin of Gods justification is His grace; the historical basis of this gift is the redemption that came through Christ Jesus. Living Out the Righteousness of God The righteous requirements of the Law . . . fully met in us who do not walk according to the flesh, but of the spirit (Rom. 8:4). When Paul said that the righteous requirements of the Law are fully met in the believer, he was making an astonishing statement. Rightly understood, the Law does not just speak to what we do and say outside, it calls for us to be changed inside as well. Do not let sin reign in your body so that you obey its lusts (Rom. 6:12). Paul says we are to count ourselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus (Rom. 6:11). The person once guilty, but now saved by grace, has been set right in relation to God. Christs work fulfils the need for sanctification. He made allowance for this in His atonement, and in the abundance of His grace. Its completed in Him, and must be accepted as the free and perfect gift through Christ alone. You are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from Godthat is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption (1 Cor. 1:30). Does sanctification mean we are dead to the sinful self? That life has been crucified with Christ already, on the cross. We need only hand it over to Him. He will do away with it, and lay it to rest forever in His grave. Is sanctification a new life of purity, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit? Christ Himself must be our life, our peace, our purity, and our full and overflowing joy. We are to live as living sacrifices to Him, presenting our members to Him as instruments of righteousness (Rom. 6:13). The word Instruments (opla): properly signifies arms, or implements of war; but it also denotes an instrument of any kind which we use for defense or aid. Here, it means that we should not devote our members; hands, tongue, etc., as if under the direction of sinful passions, and corrupt desires, to accomplish purposes of iniquity. We should not make the members of our bodies the slaves of sin reigning within us. Christians must cultivate peace and harmony with each other. We are to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph. 4:3), and be of one mind; live in peace (2 Cor. 3:11). The cultivation of unity and peace are derived from love. Love will lead us to bear one anothers burden, and so fulfill the Law of Christ (Gal. 6:2). That Law is freedom through grace, and faith in Christ Jesus. The slaves of sin can have no part in this freedom from the Law since they are still subject to the penalties of the Law, which are the necessary results of sin. In Romans 6:16, Paul is saying the one who is our master is the one whom we obey. If you obey sin, then that is your master. Do not say Christ is your master if you are living in sin; sin is your master. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:36). Free to live for Him, and free to obey Him. Sin is our former master; grace through Christ is our new master. You have been set free from sin, and have become slaves to God (Rom. 6:22). As long as we are living on this earth, the flesh (the body) will cry out for attention, and that is the instrument by which Satan works to destroy our faith. Platonists frequently use metaphors relating to warfare, imprisonment, rule, and slavery to explain the relationship between the souls parts. Platonism is distinctive in appealing to a vision of the soul locked in a fierce struggle between reason and the emotions, the rational and irrational faculties, or the better and worse parts of the soul. In Romans 6:12-14, Paul sees a mind that has been formerly enslaved to sin, now liberated by Gods intervention. Sins rule still threatens, as Paul eloquently points out in chapter 7 of Romans. Roman 7 presents an extended monologue about the struggle with sin. Sin does the exact opposite of what the soul knows is just and good. The rule of sin, and the rule of God are developed as antithetical forms of enslavement. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! (Rom. 7:24-25). Conclusion This paper has clearly shown that the epistle of Romans describes Gods righteousness more thoroughly than any other book of Scripture. Pauls letter to the Romans takes the reader on a journey that outlines the sinfulness of man, the Good News of the Gospel, and application of the righteousness of God to daily life. God does not judge us on the basis of who we are, or on the basis of how much we know about Him, but on the basis of what we do with what we know. Paul begins in Romans 1:16 by stating he is not ashamed of the gospel because its the power of God unto salvation. Its the power of God unto salvation because the righteousness of God is revealed in it from faithfulness unto faith. Gods righteousness is the righteousness that belongs to God, and more specifically, the righteousness God gives when a person trusts Christ (Rom. 10:3-4). God righteousness is the theme that flows from the beginning to the end of the letter to the Romans.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Mother-daughter Relationships Essay -- Mother-Daughter Relationships

The relationship between parents and their children is one of the most basic human interactions. Mothers and daughters provide both physical and emotional care for their young sons and daughters. In the process, parents will instill children with family values and goals, while teaching them the accepted norms and values of society. This is done in hope that parents will one day see their own children become mature adults, with their own goals and purposes in life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mother-daughter relationships can be complex, but also filled with compassion and love. Mothers and daughters often seem farther away from each other than they really are. Usually when a girl goes through adolescence, the relationship between her and her mother begin to change in many different ways, but can grow at the same time. Even though the wars between a mother and daughter can ravage a relationship, they can easily be recognized earlier enough to keep a relationship from severing the ties that a mother and daughter have with one another.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Adolescence... a time of seemingly more freedom, junior high to high school, football games, dances, parties, going out for pizza, dating, driving, a later curfew, going to the mall, and talking on the phone almost non stop. Many mothers rarely see their daughters during these times. With all the time she begins to spend with her friends, it seems as if the major issues constantly being discussed are bedtimes, clothing and chores. #Girls are growing up and it may seem as if their mothers are being needed less, but they are needed, just in a different way. When I was beginning to enter adolescence, I wasn’t completely separated from my mother, but I could feel it was beginning to happen. My sister Erin, who is now 21 felt the same way. #â€Å"When I was younger, between 14-18 I separated form my mother and it almost felt like I was completely separated from her.† Even though girls may feel like they are farther away from their mothers that they could ever get, it is not the end of the world. Most girls are close to their mothers when they are young, and many return to that closeness as adults. But few girls manage to stay close to their mothers during junior high and high school. I have realized that before I entered into high school, my mother and I had a close relationship. I was the exception of most girls my age and many of them seemed jealou... ... from knowing that they see them. Every daughter and mother love each other but it’s when a daughter can say I really like my mother and when a mother feels the same way, that one knows the relationship has succeeded. Bibliography Web 20 April, 2015. Bauch, P. A., Vietze, P., & Morris, V. (1973). What makes the difference in parental participation? Childhood Education, 50, 47-53. Web 20 April, 2015. Web 7 April, 2015. Hickman, C. W., Greenwood, G. E., & Miller, M. D. (1995). High school parent involvement: Relationships with achievement, grade level, SES, and gender. Journal of Research and Development in Education, 28, 125-134. Web 3 April, 2015. Reynolds, Cathy. Personal Interview. Web 4 April, 2015. Reynolds, Erin. Personal Interview. Web 6 April, 2015. Reynolds, Jason. Personal Interview. Web 8 April, 2015. Troll, Lillian E. "Family-Embedded vs. Family Deprived Oldest-Old: A Study of Contrasts." International Journal of Aging and Human Development

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Is It a Threat of Terrorism?

It is my dream to live in a world where no country on Earth requires a military to protect its citizens from invasion, but like most Utopian fantasies, such a world will never exist. As the leader of the free world, America has built up a huge military to protect the nation’s interests, its allies, and its way of life for its people. After the terror attacks on September 11, 2001, and our senseless invasion of two Islamic countries, the nation is still engaged in war to prevent Islamic extremist attacks.In recent years, public officials in the United States and terrorism analysts here and abroad have warned of an increasing threat of Muslim homegrown terrorist attacks. The terrorist attacks in Madrid in 2004 and in London in 2005 perpetrated by European homegrown terrorists have contributed to these concerns, as has the surge in terrorist-related arrests in the United States in 2009 and 2010. A closer look at the evidence, however, reveals that the threat of Islamic extremist engaging in lethal attacks in the United States has been frequently overstated.Since 1985 there has been 3,178 deaths resulting from Islamic terrorist attacks; including the 2,977 Americans casualties on 9/11. However, the number of American casualties resulting from Islamic extremism is falling drastically; with only 28 Americans killed by Islamic Extremist since the 2001 terror attacks. Terrorist plots by American Muslims are not growing in sophistication, and terrorists' capacities to acquire skills from overseas training are limited.In addition, contrary to concerns that so-called â€Å"lone wolves† will increasingly attempt terrorist attacks that are difficult to foil, there have been only two shootings in the United States by American Muslims since September 11, 2011, despite a significant propaganda effort by leaders of Al-Qaida encouraging such attacks. The Islamophobes (people with irrational fear of Islamic people) claim that Islam is intrinsically a terrorist relig ion. The proof? Well, just about every terrorist attack is Islamic, they retort. Unfortunately for them, that is not true.More like six percent. Using their defunct logic, these Islamophobes can now conclude that nearly all acts of terrorism are committed by Latinos. Let them dare say it. They could not; it would be political and social suicide to say such a thing. Most Americans would shut down such talk as bigoted; yet, similar statements continue to be said of Islam, without any repercussions. The war on terror focuses on groups loosely affiliated with the Al Qaeda terrorist network, but it turns out that Islamic extremists do not pose the greatest threat to America according to numerous reports.One report from the Department of Homeland Security states that the biggest threat to America, its people, and government is actually from Latinos. Latino terrorist spew out acts of terror on American soil every day. According to the Los Angeles Times, these terrorist also control over 90 % of all the drugs that enter the United States. Latino gang violence has resulted in a shocking number of casualties. Over 2,199 innocent American lives have been lost since 2007 due to kidnappings, sex trafficking, and horrendous murders, committed by Latino Terrorist.These facts might throw you for a total paradigm in your thoughts, but what if I also told you that Latinos account for over 42% of all acts of terror on United States soil since 1985? The Islamophobes live in a fantasy world where everyone is supposedly too â€Å"politically correct† to criticize Islam and Muslims. Numerous people are critical of Muslims; but  can you imagine the reaction if I said that Latinos should be profiled because after all they are the ones who commit the most terrorism in the country. Islamophobes   always live in mortal fear–or rather, they try to make  you  feel that way.Do not be fooled, break the spellbinding ideology of Islamophobes. I am sure that you do not live in constant fear of radicalized Latinos; even though they commit seven times more acts of terrorism than Islamic extremist in America. Why then are you constantly fearful over Islamic radicals? The time has come where we can finally halt our fear of Islamic extremist, and focus our attention more frequently on the Latino terrorist If Islamic extremist had half of a brain they would have potential to be dangerous; but for now, they are no different then automated bots, with pre-programmed information and beliefs.They are taught at early ages that the â€Å"West† is their enemy; and that there is no higher appraisal then dying for Allah through acts of terror and suicide. Ignorance breeds ignorance. What we must do is teach the United States citizens the truth about terrorism. Nobody is saying that Islamic terrorism is not a matter of concern, but it is grossly exaggerated.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815

The Eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815 The tremendous eruption of Mount Tambora in April 1815 was the most powerful volcanic eruption of the 19th century. The eruption and the tsunamis it triggered killed tens of thousands of people. The magnitude of the explosion itself is difficult to fathom. It has been estimated that Mount Tambora stood approximately 12,000 feet tall before the 1815 eruption when the top third of the mountain was completely obliterated. Adding to the disasters massive scale, the huge amount of dust blasted into the upper atmosphere by the Tambora eruption contributed to a bizarre and highly destructive weather event the following year. The year 1816 became known as ​the year without a summer. The disaster on the remote island of Sumbawa in the Indian Ocean has been overshadowed by the eruption of the volcano at Krakatoa decades later, partly because the news of Krakatoa traveled quickly via telegraph. Accounts of the Tambora eruption were considerably rarer, yet some vivid ones do exist. An administrator of the East India Company, Sir Thomas Stamford Bingley Raffles, who was serving as governor of Java at the time, published a striking account of the disaster based on written reports he had collected from English traders and military personnel. Beginnings of the Mount Tambora Disaster The island of Sumbawa, home to Mount Tambora, is located in present-day Indonesia. When the island was first discovered by Europeans, the mountain was thought to be an extinct volcano. However, about three years before the 1815 eruption, the mountain seemed to come to life. Rumblings were felt, and a dark smoky cloud appeared atop the summit. On April 5, 1815, the volcano began to erupt. British traders and explorers heard the sound and at first thought it to be the firing of cannon. There was a fear that a sea battle was being fought nearby. The Massive Eruption of Mount Tambora On the evening of April 10, 1815, the eruptions intensified, and a massive major eruption began to blow the volcano apart. Viewed from a settlement about 15 miles to the east, it seemed that three columns of flames shot into the sky. According to a witness on an island about 10 miles to the south, the entire mountain appeared to turn into liquid fire. Stones of pumice more than six inches in diameter began to rain down on neighboring islands. Violent winds propelled by the eruptions struck settlements like ​hurricanes, and some reports claimed that the wind and sound-triggered small earthquakes. Tsunamis emanating from the island of Tambora destroyed settlements on other islands, killing tens of thousands of people. Investigations by modern-day archaeologists have determined that an island culture on Sumbawa was completely wiped out by the Mount Tambora eruption. Written Reports of Mount Tamboras Eruption As the eruption of Mount Tambora occurred before communication by telegraph, accounts of the cataclysm were slow to reach Europe and North America. The British governor of Java, Sir Thomas Stamford Bingley Raffles, who was learning an enormous amount about the native inhabitants of the local islands while writing his 1817 book History of Java, collected accounts of the eruption. Raffles began his account of the Mount Tambora eruption by noting the confusion about the source of the initial sounds: The first explosions were heard on this Island in the evening of the 5th of April, they were noticed in every quarter, and continued at intervals until the following day. The noise was in the first instance almost universally attributed to distant cannon; so much so, that a detachment of troops were marched from Djocjocarta [a nearby province] in the expectation that a neighboring post was attacked. And along the coast boats were in two instances dispatched in quest of a supposed ship in distress. After the initial explosion was heard, Raffles said it was supposed that the eruption was no greater than other volcanic eruptions in that region. But he noted that on the evening of April 10 extremely loud explosions were heard and large amounts of dust began to fall from the sky. Other employees of the East India Company in the region were directed by Raffles to submit reports about the aftermath of the eruption. The accounts are chilling. One letter submitted to Raffles describes how, on the morning of April 12, 1815, no sunlight was visible at 9 a.m. on a nearby island. The sun had been entirely obscured by volcanic dust in the atmosphere. A letter from an Englishman on the island of Sumanap described how, on the afternoon of April 11, 1815, by four oclock it was necessary to light candles. It remained dark until the next afternoon. About two weeks after the eruption, a British officer sent to deliver rice to the island of Sumbawa made an inspection of the island. He reported seeing numerous corpses and widespread destruction. Local inhabitants were becoming ill, and many had already died of hunger. A local ruler, the Rajah of Saugar, gave his account of the cataclysm to British officer Lieutenant Owen Phillips. He described three columns of flames arising from the mountain when it erupted on April 10, 1815. Apparently describing the lava flow, the Rajah said the mountain started to appear like a body of liquid fire, extending itself in every direction. The Rajah also described the effect of the wind unleashed by the eruption: Between nine and ten p.m. ashes began to fall, and soon after a violent whirlwind ensued, which blew down nearly every house in the village of Saugar, carrying the tops and light parts along with it. I n the part of Saugar adjoining [Mount Tambora] its effects were much more violent, tearing up by the roots the largest trees and carrying them into the air together with men, houses, cattle, and whatever else came within its influence. This will account for the immense number of floating trees seen at sea. The sea rose nearly twelve feet higher than it had ever been known to be before, and completely spoiled the only small spots of rice lands in Saugar, sweeping away houses and every thing within its reach. Worldwide Effects of the Mount Tambora Eruption Though it would not be apparent for more than a century, the eruption of Mount Tambora contributed to one of the worst weather-related disasters of the 19th century. The following year, 1816, became known as the Year Without a Summer. The dust particles blasted into the upper atmosphere from Mount Tambora were carried by air currents and spread across the world. By the fall of 1815, eerily colored sunsets were being observed in London. And the following year the weather patterns in Europe and North America changed drastically. While the winter of 1815 and 1816 was fairly ordinary, the spring of 1816 turned odd. Temperatures did not rise as expected, and very cold temperatures persisted in some places well into the summer months. Widespread crop failures caused hunger and even famine in some places. The eruption of Mount Tambora thus may have caused widespread casualties on the opposite side of the world.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Efficient Memory Techniques for Better Performance

Efficient Memory Techniques for Better Performance Invincible 5 Memory Practices For The Examination Commencing revision barely a day to the examination can be dangerously imprudent as it does not guarantee a good performance. In the same breath, jamming the materials at the 11th hour is also ill-advised, and you should strive to prepare in advance. Lack of preparation leaves you irritably exasperated as you will be trying to remember something you read but to no avail. This feeling of anger will eat into your exam time because you will be pondering how the situation would have been if only you had read and had all the content at your fingerprints. Going blank in an exam room is a situation most students are well acquainted with from personal experiences. Nevertheless, you can evade because it is possible to turn your mind into you’re the biggest resource and as research shows, the human mind can accommodate large amounts of information. 1. Intertwined Revision Most subjects teach related knowledge and as such, reviewing this subject independent of each other is not a sensible thing to do. Studies show that linking previous knowledge with new ones increases the level of comprehension. The question that remains is, what is the explanation behind this fact? To put things into more perspective, paint this picture in your mind. Assume that the knowledge you possess is a road map in your mind and each time you learn something new, that is a different street you are adding to the plan. When you need to access specific material, your brain will run through different corridors to track that information. Develop a virtual map in your mind Identify the different topics that you need to study and draw the connection between them in your mind. Additionally, identify the topics that you are already conversant with and the knowledge you possess. This move will aid you in linking the connection between the topics. 2. Get enough sleep Students believe that burning the midnight oil studying is a sure way to getting good grades in an examination. However, this could be not any further from the truth as research proves that getting enough rest is vital for refreshing and rejuvenating your mind. Adequate sleep aids the processing of new information learned. Prepare a study timetable After you learn of the exam date, prepare a study timetable indicating which topic you will tackle and at what time. Early preparation will go a long way to help you get that grade you so desire, and you will be able to get enough sleep the night before the examination. 3. Talking reinforces remembrance Narrating a story evokes your memory as you will feel the need to tell it exactly how it happened without omitting any details. Again, research shows that people tend to recall things better if they are to tell it as a story to other people. As a student, you should take advantage of this, tell a friend what you learned detail by detail, in the process, the information is most likely to stick to your memory. Pen down a revision article Find something that interests you and builds your revision story based on it. Imagine individuals, objects, places or symbols and assign each of these a topic, formula, or the fact that you need to memorize. This technique has been proven to be effective as it not only makes the learning process simpler, it provokes you to dig deeper into your creative abilities. 4. Revise! Revise! Revise! Revising is not as fun as compared to other activities like playing video games or surfing on your computer, and it is easier to have wishful thinking that we could take one look at the materials and that will do. Still, revision is a chief factor that will determine your performance in an examination. Revision enables you to identify the areas you are weak in and focus your concentration on those topics. Find study mates   The benefits of a study group are quite significant. Explaining a concept, you have learned to a friend increases your understanding of the matter. At your request, your study mates can ask you difficult questions to determine your preparedness and level of knowledge. At times it can be a challenge finding a study group you will be comfortable in and freely interact. Strange enough, you could record yourself recounting what you have learned and play it later on. 5. Reflection as memory heightening technique Scientists have established that reflecting heightens your memory although there have not been specific details explain how this happens. The presumption is, reflection develops imaginative and attentiveness. The development is due to the quiet and peaceful environment that meditation requires. Moreover, reflection helps you unwind and relieve pressure, and this might be a good way to spend your time before the examination. Look for a reflective instruction guide Credit to technology, instructional guides on reflection are on the internet or various mobile applications. Make an effort to follow a ten-minute meditation for a couple of days or weeks and observe if you will notice any changes (improvement) in your attentiveness when studying. Different students have different needs, and some may not find reflection an effective method of preparing for their examination. There are other ways of revising that require a lot more exertion, but they are worth the while as they are effectual. According to psychologists, approximately a month of practice is needed to alter a mental routine. My advice is, attempt the above memory practices and examine whether studying become an easier and enjoyable experience for you.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Criminal evidence problem question (2000 words) Essays

Criminal evidence problem question (2000 words) Essays Criminal evidence problem question (2000 words) Essay Criminal evidence problem question (2000 words) Essay Condemnable grounds job inquiry ( 2000 words ) In this scenario, there are three fatal accidents affecting the consecutive married womans of Tom. The first involves Alice, who is stabbed to decease by an interloper ; the 2nd involves Barbara who is shot by a individual at the front door ; and the 3rd relates to Charlotte who drowns in her bath. On the occasions of all three of these accidents or slayings, Tom has been in the detention of the constabulary for assorted offenses. The job is concerned with two farther histrions in the scenario, Enid and Diane, who live together in a civil partnership, and a 10 twelvemonth old kid, Fay, every bit good as Fay’s sister’s fellow and the three detention officers who have dealt with Tom on the three occasions outlined supra. There are, so, assorted issues associating to grounds in this affair which need to be considered, including what type of grounds has been produced by the assorted parties ( that is, whether it is hearsay ) and whether that type of grounds is admissible in a condemnable test, the competency of the assorted histrions to move as informants in the instance, and the liability of each of the suspects. Tom, so, is the accustomed hubby whose three back-to-back married womans meet with their deceases in similar fortunes, and each of whom leave their gaming widowman considerable heritages. Of class, in each of the three slayings, Tom is in the detention of the constabulary, and hence has an alibi for himself. He is non, hence, a suspect in really commiting the slayings. The jobs here relate to what grounds Tom can supply, or which relates to Tom, which would be admissible for the Crown Prosecution Service to utilize when prosecuting him. The legal load of cogent evidence, of class, rests with the prosecuting officer in condemnable instances, as per the taking instance ofWoolmington V DPP( 1935 ) . The first inquiry is whether Tom is a competent informant ; that is, can he be called upon to give witness grounds. The reply to this inquiry will associate to the fact that Tom has been inebriated at the times in inquiry. Aside from this, nevertheless, there is nil to forestall him being a competent informant. A farther possible debatable issue is the competency of Fay to give grounds. Of class, in the scenario, it is Fay’s grounds that is the anchor to turn outing the blameworthiness of the parties. Fay is 10 old ages old. The relevant statute law here is theYouth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999. Section 53 ( 1 ) of the Act provides that at every phase in condemnable proceedings all individuals are ( whatever their age ) competent to give evidence. This would propose, so, that Fay is able to supply grounds to the tribunal of her narrative. The fact that she is merely 10, nevertheless, may be considered to be ground to doubt her competency. As such, the trial of competency set down in subdivision 53 ( 3 ) will hold to be satisfied. It will be for the tribunal to see whether Fay meets the trial of intelligible testimony . Under subdivision 56 of the Act, Faye will be presumed to be competent to give unsworn grounds, because she is under the age of 14. Assuming, so, that the parties are considered competent to give apprehensible testimony in tribunal, so, the undermentioned inquiry relates to the compellability of the informants. It is normally the instance that where a individual is competent, they will besides be compellable. A compellable informant is one who can be made to give grounds as a affair of jurisprudence and failure to make so may ensue in that informant being held to be in disdain of tribunal. The two exclusions to this general regulation, which may hold an impact in this scenario, relate to the suspect, and the defendant’s partner. Enid, Tom and Dick are all suspects in the instance of Charlotte’s slaying. Under subdivision 53 ( 1 ) of the YJCEA 1999, as mentioned above, a suspect is a competent informant in his or her defense mechanism at every phase of the proceedings. This does non intend, nevertheless, that the suspect is compellable ; he or she does non hold to give grounds in denfence as other in formants do. This is a right enshrined in subdivision 1 ( 1 ) of theCriminal Evidence Act 1898. None of the three suspects in the present instance, so, are compelled to give grounds in their ain defense mechanism, although they may make. The place is different, nevertheless, in relation to grounds for the prosecution. None of the three are considered to be competent informants for the prosecution. Under subdivision 53 ( 4 ) of the YCJEA, a co-accused can non give grounds for the prosecution while the proceedings to which he is a party are go oning. In other words, Enid can non give grounds for the prosecution against Tom or Dick, nor can Tom be called upon to give grounds against Enid or Dick, and Dick can non give grounds against his co-accused. Dick, so, can non be called upon by the CPS to give grounds in relation, for illustration, to the meetings with Tom in the saloon instantly anterior to each of the slayings. The state of affairs would alter if one of the accused ceased to be a party to the proceedings, that is if they were acquitted, or sentenced, or else they made a successful supplication of no instance to reply. A farther issue associating to grounds which the CPS will hold to see is that of grounds of the co-defendants’ character. Evidence of good character on the portion of the suspects will ever be admissible, for the intents of demoing that the suspect in inquiry is non the type of individual to perpetrate the offense in inquiry. In this instance, the absence, for illustration, of condemnable records on the parts of Tom and Enid would be admissible. The attack to grounds of good character was set out inR V Vye and Other ( 1993 ). In this instance it was held that where the suspect has no past strong beliefs, he may profit from a good character way. If the test justice does non give a good character way on the apart of any of the suspects, this may be sufficient evidences for entreaty at a ulterior phase. The other side of this, nevertheless, is the inquiry of bad character. This is now governed by Part II of theCriminal Justice Act 2003. These commissariats, which came into force in December 2004, extend well the evidences on which grounds of a defendant’s bad character can be admissible. Previously, grounds of bad character was inadmissible for intents of demoing that the suspect was capable of perpetrating the offense in inquiry. The concluding behind this is clearly that in a justness system that places the load of cogent evidence in condemnable instances on the prosecution, abducing bad character grounds disproportionately slanted in favor of the prosecution at the disbursal of the suspect. Under the new government, this is non the instance. Section 98 of the CJA 2003 defines bad character grounds as evidence of, or of a temperament towards, misconduct on his portion other than grounds which ( a ) has to make with alleged facts of the offense with which the suspect is char ged, or ( B ) is grounds of misconduct in connexion with the probe or prosecution of that offence. In this instance, so, it may be possible to abduce grounds of Tom’s past gaming and imbibing jobs ; or of Enid’s money-earning undertakings ; or so of Dick’s character. A farther statutory proviso that will be of relevancy to the issue of bad character grounds is that contained in subdivision 101 ( 1 ) CJA 2003. This is concerned with gateways’ through which grounds of a defendant’s bad character can be admitted. This can be if all the parties agree to it being admissible ( which is, of class, unlikely where it is likely to damage the defendants’ instance ) , where it is of import explanatory grounds, or where it is relevant to an of import affair in issue between the suspect and the prosecution. In this scenario, the huge bulk of the grounds which the CPS will seek to abduce to help in their prosecution is classed as hearsay grounds. This means there are of import effects in relation to its admissibility and probatory value. First, hearsay grounds is second-hand grounds. In the present context, it will originate because the chief informants, including Fay, George, and Diane, have merely second-hand cognition of the affairs about which they will be attesting. Whoever is attesting, it is likely that much of what they say will hold been passed to them by another individual who is non in tribunal, instead than something that they have first-hand cognition and experience of. The general regulation about rumor grounds is that it is inadmissible in a condemnable test, unless it falls within one of the common jurisprudence or statutory exclusions. In the instance ofR V Kearley( 1992 ) , hearsay grounds was described as any statement other than one made by a individual while giving unwritten grounds in the proceedings is inadmissible to turn out the truth of any fact stated in it. There are three elements to grounds that is deemed to be hearsay. The first is that it must be contained in a statement , whether this is a written or unwritten statement, or even by a gesture of the informant harmonizing to the 19th century instance ofR V Gibson( 1887 ) . Second, the statement must hold been made at a clip other than when the informant was giving grounds in tribunal in the present proceedings. Finally, the statement must be put in grounds strictly to turn out the truth of affairs in issue, and non for any other intent. As has been mentioned, so, it is clear that much of the grounds that the CPS will seek to abduce in the present scenario will number as rumor, and will hence be inadmissible, unless it falls within one of the exclusions to the regulation. These exclusions exist at both common jurisprudence and statutory jurisprudence. It is possible that the grounds would fall under theRESs gestaeregulation, as set down in the instance ofR V Andrews( 1987 ) . This regulation states that a statement may be admissible if it was made at or sufficiently near the clip of incident in inquiry. Although this originated as a common jurisprudence exclusion to the rumor regulation, it has now been preserved under subdivision 118 of theCriminal Justice Act 2003. It is, so, possible that the grounds of certain of the informants, including Diane, George and the detention officers will be admissible because their statements were made sufficiently contemporaneously to the committee of the offenses. The other statuto ry exclusion to the rumor regulation is contained in subdivision 9 of theCriminal Justice Act 1967, and relates to situations where witnesses’ statements are read to the tribunal in the absence of the informant provided that it has been signed and authenticated by that informant. There are, so, a figure of complex issues which the CPS will hold to turn to in the scenario in relation to the grounds that they seek to abduce in their prosecution of Dick, Tom and Enid. They will necessitate to see whether grounds associating to the old slayings of Tom’s foremost two married womans can be adduced in order to demo a leaning for the slaying of Charlotte which is in issue, and whether they can utilize much of the grounds because of its nature as rumor. Bibliography Legislative acts Criminal Evidence Act 1898 Criminal Justice Act 1967 Criminal Justice Act 2003 Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999 Cases R V Andrews [ 1987 ] AC 281 R V Gibson [ 1887 ] LR 18 QBD R V Kearley [ 1992 ] 2 AC 228 R V Vye and Others ( 1993 ) 97 Cr App R 134 Woolmington V DPP [ 1935 ] AC 463 Secondary beginnings Hannibal, M. and Mountford, L. ( 2005 )Condemnable Litigation( Oxford: OUP ) Munday, R. ( 2005 )Evidence( Oxford: OUP ) Roberts and Zuckerman ( 2005 )Condemnable Evidence( Oxford: OUP )

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Biological Oxygen Transport Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Biological Oxygen Transport - Essay Example The term biological oxygen transport refers to the incorporation of oxygen from the environment into the cell. It covers all the processes right from breathing to the respiration. Such transport process encompasses different levels of organization from organism to the level of sub cellular organelles. The transport of oxygen in various biological systems majorly depends upon the process of diffusion and convection. Generally there are two biological systems: plant and animals. Plants do not have any specialized organ for the transport of oxygen. Roots stem and leaves are major sites involved in uptake and release of oxygen. Oxygen is absorbed for respiration and is released into the atmosphere as a result of photosynthesis. Leaves being exposed to air are the major sites of oxygen uptake. Air mixed oxygen enters the empty spaces in the leaves through the openings called stomata. The entry of oxygen to the intracellular air spaces is followed by the process of rapid diffusion. The interior of the cells have less oxygen concentration as compare to the exterior. So, following the principle of diffusion, oxygen moves from the higher exterior concentration to the lower concentration inside the cell. This transport is accomplished by passing through various cellular-barriers such as cell wall and cell membrane. Oxygen being non polar easily diffuses through these barriers. Oxygen can also be transported through the stem and the roots. The cork of roots and stem contain openings called lenticels, for the transport of oxygen into and out of the plant body. Moreover plants with soft green stems bear stomata for the transport of oxygen. As far as the transport of oxygen within the plants is concerned, experiments have shown that the plant contains non –tortuous gas filled channels between the stem and the root. Apart from the lenticels; the oxygen requirement

Friday, October 18, 2019

Compare and Contrast Huckleberry Finn to Douglas's Search for Essay

Compare and Contrast Huckleberry Finn to Douglas's Search for Happiness and Freedom - Essay Example Douglas is a slave who inherited his slave status from his mother. Since his childhood, he has lived and behaved, as their masters require to slaves. His story is well told in his narrative until his success story when he manages on escaping. His story has similarities and differences when compared with the story of Huckleberry Finn. Both Finn and Douglas have grown up without the knowledge of their fathers. In their writing, they prove to have spent all their lives trying to figure out the person who could be their father. Douglas could have asked his mother, but she died when he was a child. No one was left with the information he needed to know, and if the father was alive, he did not want to be identified. According to the statements given in his narrative, the master of his mother was his father. However, the master could not declare or raise his voice to confirm his doubts since he wanted to have the privilege of being both a master and a father. It is clear that Douglas has ne ver been able to get information regarding his father. On the other hand, Finn has a father but has been lost for sometime as par the novel. He was a drunkard who would lie down with the hogs once he had too much to drink. This can be identified as contrast between these two writers. However, there is some aspect of similarity since Finn is rejected. Both of them have to undergo difficulties in life because they lack parents. Finn cannot be involved in his group because he could not keep to the requirements of the oath. The oath stated that if any boy told their secrets the punishment would be killing of their families. Finn lacked a family hence the reason for neglection. This gives a reason for the boys to rule him out since he lacked someone they would kill. They claimed that it would be unfair if he were included in the oath taking (Twain 34). Similarly, Douglas had many difficulties just because he lacked a family. His mother dies when he is extremely young and is forced to fac e life on his own. It would be possible to state that he had an aunt who would take care o him. The fact is that, she was always busy in the farm to the extent that she cold not takes great care of Douglas as young boy. This leads to the start of Douglas as slave at a very young age. As Fin is in his search for happiness, he indulges in many unlawful activities. He is signed in as a party in a gang of robbers who seem to have ability to kill (Twain 57). In their quest for freedom, they meet women who are ready to assist them. Christianity is portrayed as a way of achieving freedom among people who are oppressed. Douglas is capable of using Christian literatures to learn how to read. His master is very unhappy when he realizes that his wife is teaching a lave religion. He is furious because he believes that religion knowledge given to a slave brings them entitlement to end their time as slaves. This could be true because Douglas acquired freedom through the knowledge of religion. Fin n has a good woman taking care of him. She always reminds him to pray so that he would achieve all his desires. This is a similarity between the two works because Christianity is portrayed as a powerful solution to problems. It is important to note that, in their quest for freedom, these two people did not mind about hurting others. Finn is ready to sacrifice the relationship between himself and the woman Watson. Despite the fact that she takes care of him, he still proceeds with an oath that has her as the ideal seal. On the

Bolg analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bolg analysis - Essay Example Some of these eating behaviours have resulted in numerous health problems that extensively challenge individuals’ well-being. Food, cooking and eating have, therefore, become topics of interest that have caught the attention of many health providers. This paper critically analyses Born Fitness blog and comprehensively explores some of the cultural issues it addresses about cooking and eating. The blog theme circumnavigates around body fitness and how it can be achieved. According to Volpe (2007: 32), a healthy body is one that is fed on the right meals and exposed to regular exercise. One can physically stay fit and health-wise if they are conscious about what they eat. Regular exercising cannot be ignored if one is to achieve a healthy body. With this understanding, the blog seeks to painstakingly address the issue of body fitness by providing information on what one needs to do and what should be avoided to achieve healthy bodies. In the blog, there are different segments containing varied articles addressing diverse topics. The blog targets those who could be mindful of their health especially those who seek to find information regarding the do’s and don’ts in keeping body fitness. This could be men, women or even children. The prime message that the blog writer is broadcasting concerns nutrition and how health and fitness can be attained. This can be at tributed to the fact that the blog’s name bears the word ‘fitness’ to suggest it tackles the issue of body health. Also, it has several articles that give advice on what people should eat and what they should avoid. It primary purpose is to direct the society to finding better ways of achieving bodily health. As highlighted, the key topic in the blog is proper nutrition for good health. Nutrition is a grave topic the blog explores because of the evidently changing eating and cooking behaviours that many nutrition researchers have

Development Of Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Development Of Saudi Arabia - Essay Example As the population grows, Saudi Arabia is highly aware of the needs of its citizens and is taking measures to provide for their needs. The country has two advanced infrastructures with modern technologies to support them - roads and telecommunication networks. Although railways and ports are considered to be under-developed, they are still functional and provide sufficient service to the population of nearby cities. There is still room for improvement and development - for example, there is a need for a well-developed railway system and port for Saudi Arabia to become as competitive as other developed countries in Asia (Asia Trade Hub). Much of the misconception that Saudi Arabia is a country which uses its wealth from oil to harbor terrorists has been the reason why Saudi Arabia has not been able to really market its natural and industrial resources. Part of the limitation is because the people of Saudi Arabia do not have the skill to dismiss the myth due to poor education level and limited exposure to the international community. To ameliorate this condition, integration of international curriculum into the local curriculum would help Saudis enter into the world and debunk the myth that Saudis are terrorists. Schools like Dhahran Elementary Middle School and American International School have made great progress for an internationalized education system and can be used as the basis for developing education standards, quality and curriculum (US Department of State; ISG). Similarly, the perception that Saudi Arabia gets its wealth from natural oil reserves is only partly true. Economic indicators demonstrate that Saudi Arabia, along with other Gulf countries, have high gross domestic product (GDP) based on a non-oil estimation of 2002. Saudi Arabia, for example, has a real non-oil GDP growth rate of approximately 2 % while Qatar has one of the highest GDPs of 6.8 % among Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Issues of Transformational Leadership in the Organization Research Paper

Issues of Transformational Leadership in the Organization - Research Paper Example This research report will focus on the alleged benefits of transformational leadership style as a potential tool for ensuring higher motivation, less resistance to change, the improvement of organizational culture, and generally gaining more employee commitment. The literature surrounding transformational leadership style seems to be gaining ground as an effective leadership model based on known employee behavior patterns that could effectively serve multiple business environments. It is hypothesized that transformational leadership style can bring significant value-added benefits to a diverse organization over that of other less-progressive styles. What is Transformational Leadership? To understand the potential implications of adopting a transformational leadership model, it is necessary to engage with its dimensions and understand how it applies to a contemporary, diversified organization. Transformational leadership is a progressive style, much like that of a mentor or coach, tha t inspires others through behavior, policy and attitude. This leadership design engages others to share goals and uses â€Å"inspirational appeals of authenticity to focus on the best in people: harmony, charity and good works† (Bass & Steidlmeier, 1999, p.188). In this context, the transformational leader refutes some of the fundamental concepts of management through control or even incentives usage and instead elicits charismatic leadership style that gains ground with creating affiliation and belonging while also raising the emotional intelligence of employees and other staff members. A transformational leader â€Å"opens new thinking for fresh possibilities, re-imagines purpose and vision, ignites growth for employees, gives decision-making power, and manages through commitment strategies† (Adams & Adams, 2009, p.17). This leader takes the responsibility for the role of champion toward change philosophy and also teaches others how to make fundamental shifts in thei r thinking that align the organization toward a unified culture and does this through modeling positive new behaviors (Adams & Adams). In essence, the transformational leader takes on a personal role much like that of a human resources manager with a soft HRM approach that builds confidence, autonomy, and motivation. â€Å"Employers consistently mention collaboration and teamwork as being a critical skill, essential in all working environments† (Tarricone & Luca, 2002, p.55). Many of the pre-existing models of leadership, both justified through research and also through practical experience, do not have the ability to gain motivation in employee groups and build a sense of cultural unity. Transformational leaders have a progressive methodology that influences others with persuasive techniques and also by promoting ethical behavior that is consistent for the sake of modeling by others in the organization. This makes the transformational leader considerably accountable for thei r actions when others in the environment are building concepts of trust and team-based philosophy. Thus, it should be said that the transformatio

The Kabsa Dish Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Kabsa Dish - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that kabsa belongs to a family of mixed rice food that is mainly consumed in Jordan and Saudi Arabia though believed to be indigenous to Yemen. In Saudi Arabia, this food is considered a national dish. Kabsa is referred to as marchbus in the Gulf countries, but the preparation is the same as in Saudi Arabia. This dish is prepared by mixing different spices, rice, meat, and vegetables. Spices commonly used in kabsa preparation are; black pepper, clove, cardamom, saffron, cinnamon, black lime, bay leaves and nutmeg. The prime taste of this food largely depends on the spices used in its preparation. Lamb, chicken, goat, camel meat or at times beef, fish, and shrimp is the main ingredient that is mixed with the spices. Almonds, pine nuts, onions, and sultanas may be added to the mixture of spices, rice, and meat as flavor supplements. The researcher tells that in Australia he still eats the dish occasionally though not as frequent as in Saudi A rabia. Whenever he sees it in a plate, it reminds him of the wonderful moments they have when eating the kabsa in Saudi Arabia. Sometimes it creates illusions in his mind. The author gets the images of how people laugh while eating the dish in Saudi Arabian hotels. Its aroma reminds him of his neighbors back in Saudi Arabia and the beautiful moments he spent with friends and relatives there. The illusions at other times involve images of the buildings in Saudi Arabia. The kabsa actually makes the author feel very much connected to Saudi Arabia.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Development Of Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Development Of Saudi Arabia - Essay Example As the population grows, Saudi Arabia is highly aware of the needs of its citizens and is taking measures to provide for their needs. The country has two advanced infrastructures with modern technologies to support them - roads and telecommunication networks. Although railways and ports are considered to be under-developed, they are still functional and provide sufficient service to the population of nearby cities. There is still room for improvement and development - for example, there is a need for a well-developed railway system and port for Saudi Arabia to become as competitive as other developed countries in Asia (Asia Trade Hub). Much of the misconception that Saudi Arabia is a country which uses its wealth from oil to harbor terrorists has been the reason why Saudi Arabia has not been able to really market its natural and industrial resources. Part of the limitation is because the people of Saudi Arabia do not have the skill to dismiss the myth due to poor education level and limited exposure to the international community. To ameliorate this condition, integration of international curriculum into the local curriculum would help Saudis enter into the world and debunk the myth that Saudis are terrorists. Schools like Dhahran Elementary Middle School and American International School have made great progress for an internationalized education system and can be used as the basis for developing education standards, quality and curriculum (US Department of State; ISG). Similarly, the perception that Saudi Arabia gets its wealth from natural oil reserves is only partly true. Economic indicators demonstrate that Saudi Arabia, along with other Gulf countries, have high gross domestic product (GDP) based on a non-oil estimation of 2002. Saudi Arabia, for example, has a real non-oil GDP growth rate of approximately 2 % while Qatar has one of the highest GDPs of 6.8 % among Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Kabsa Dish Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Kabsa Dish - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that kabsa belongs to a family of mixed rice food that is mainly consumed in Jordan and Saudi Arabia though believed to be indigenous to Yemen. In Saudi Arabia, this food is considered a national dish. Kabsa is referred to as marchbus in the Gulf countries, but the preparation is the same as in Saudi Arabia. This dish is prepared by mixing different spices, rice, meat, and vegetables. Spices commonly used in kabsa preparation are; black pepper, clove, cardamom, saffron, cinnamon, black lime, bay leaves and nutmeg. The prime taste of this food largely depends on the spices used in its preparation. Lamb, chicken, goat, camel meat or at times beef, fish, and shrimp is the main ingredient that is mixed with the spices. Almonds, pine nuts, onions, and sultanas may be added to the mixture of spices, rice, and meat as flavor supplements. The researcher tells that in Australia he still eats the dish occasionally though not as frequent as in Saudi A rabia. Whenever he sees it in a plate, it reminds him of the wonderful moments they have when eating the kabsa in Saudi Arabia. Sometimes it creates illusions in his mind. The author gets the images of how people laugh while eating the dish in Saudi Arabian hotels. Its aroma reminds him of his neighbors back in Saudi Arabia and the beautiful moments he spent with friends and relatives there. The illusions at other times involve images of the buildings in Saudi Arabia. The kabsa actually makes the author feel very much connected to Saudi Arabia.

Society and Culture Essay Example for Free

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Monday, October 14, 2019

The Cause And Effect Of Civil War History Essay

The Cause And Effect Of Civil War History Essay Civil war is a war which is fought internally within a country between differing factions, religions, or politics. The Civil War was happened more than in 10,000 location, from New Mexico, Valverde and Tullahoma, to St. Albans, Vermont, Fernandina and Tennessee on the Florida coast. There were more than 3 million Americans joined the fought, and over 600,000 men, with 2 percent of the population of American died in it. The slave freedom, the underground road and also the election of president of Abraham Lincoln has become the top causes to the civil war of united state. Before the civil war, slavery was very common in American South Carolina. Those slaves are black people and they work under their owners which are white people. At that time about 26% of all white families owned slaves. The overall African American slaves are 4 million instant. Their life are very difficult for example: they only received two shirts and two pairs of trousers every year ,they only received some food each month for living and also slaves houses were usually wooden shacks with muddy floors. After that Peculiar Institution of slavery appear in the Civil War. These causes made the northerners and Abraham Lincoln work very hard to preserve the slavery system. At that time there was a railroad appeared that was not for train but is a vast of network of people who helped slaves to escape to the North and Canada called Underground Railroad..The Underground Railroad was not run by anyone but consist of many individuals include white people. There pilots who gave directions and spread word of the railroad. Conductors undertook the most dangerous work that they led slaves to north and Canada. Their homes, churches and schoolhouse were hiding and called station, depots or safe houses that owned by stationmasters. Those slaves actually hidden underground or tunnels or a secret room and because of these those southerners were very upset. Besides that, the election of president of Abraham Lincoln is one of those causes that cause the civil war. During the president election that was held on November 6 of 1860 Abraham Lincoln did very well to the northerner and this made him owned 40 percent of popular vote in the country. Therefore, Lincoln did not owned any southern states yet. After he became the president he tried to save and free those slaves in the north but at that time south was haven united with north. He decided to be united with south to free house slave but they refused and a war began. After the Civil War at 1869, Union had readmitted Virginia under the Congressional Reconstruction and after a year the white Conservative Party became the government. The other states also had the same situation, periods ranging from one year in Georgia to nine years in South Carolina after he restoration of white conservative rule following readmission. 1877 the reconstruction officially ended, with the last federal troops from the South by withdrawal. Other than that, Jim Crow has been overcome after the civil war. Jim Crow is the subject of a song that performed by Thomas Dartmouth à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Daddyà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚  Rice. He was a white man who joined in blackface. The Civil Right Act of 1964 declared most Jim Crow laws was not fair. It would take many years to rid the Southern US of the à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"separate but equalà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚  mindset. While most Jim Crow laws had shut down, there are still some people in the South that are against it. After the civil war of the north and south had united, black people were free and white and black people had been reconstruction. Black people can be friend and marriage with white people and also can share everything with them. They had the right of humanity and most of the society had accepted them in their life. Most of them still had the hard time at the first few years because some of the white people still not accepted them but after some years past with their hard work the society finally accepted their appearance. As a conclusion the civil war was mainly caused by the slave freedom, the underground road and also the election of president of Abraham Lincoln. After the civil war reconstruction had been made and Jim Crow has been overcome. The most important is north and south had united. United is very important to a country so people should prevent war before caused more people dead. In the civil war had changed the faith of a country and united citizen of the country.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Golden Lion Tamarin Reintroduction Program Essay -- Rio de Janeiro, Br

Golden Lion Tamarin Reintroduction Program Biodiversity may be our most precious gift on this planet. It is amazing to think about how much we know about our fellow creatures, and even more amazing to realize there is still so much to learn. From the smallest pollen to the biggest whale, every species has evolved to be a special part of its ecosystem. It is when we lose sight of the intrinsic value of all this life that we find ourselves destroying the delicate web and irreparably damaging ourselves as well. We cut down entire jungles into grazing land, irrigate vast deserts into golf courses, seal up marshes for business offices, dump toxic waste in the oceans. Since the passage of the Endangered Species Act in 1973, many animal and plant populations have been brought back from the brink of extinction. But many more have been lost and there are still nearly a thousand names on the list, and that is even an understatement of the true danger we’re in. There are several continuing efforts focused on saving creatures and their habitats from destruction. Among the more promising is the Golden Lion Tamarin Reintroduction Program. Leontopithecus rosalia, common name golden lion tamarin (GLT), are small monkeys native to the coastal rain forests of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. But their forests are disappearing fast (98% gone since 1850, according to the World Conservation Monitoring Center) to make way for "development" and the tamarins are disappearing with them. There are three other species of tamarin native only to Brazil: the black tamarin, the black-faced tamarin, and the golden-headed tamarin. All have playful temperaments and thus have also fallen victim to illegal trade in exotic pets since the banning of legal exportation in... ...l 1997, v49 n2. Pp. 26-31. French, JA, Inglett, BJ and Dethlefs, TM. The reproductive status of nonbreeding group members in captive golden lion tamarin social groups. "American Journal of Primatology." 1989, v18 n2. Pp. 73-86. Kierulff, MCM and DeOliveira, PP. Re-assessing the status and conservation of the golden lion tamarin Leontopithecus rosalia in the wild. "Dodo- Journal of the Wildlife Preservation Trusts." 1996, v 32. Pp. 98-115. Ruiz, JC. Comparison of affiliative behavior between old and recently established pairs of golden lion tamarins. "Primates." April 1990, v31 n2. Pp. 197-204. Http:// Http:// Http:// Http:// Http://

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Mosquito :: essays research papers

In the article â€Å"The Mosquito in the Net,† author Marc Gunther explores the impact of a small environmental group, Rainforest Action Network, on corporate giants such as Citigroup, Home Depot, Ford, and others. Gunther provides examples of how corporations are influenced by RAN’s less than conventional campaigns and how corporate environmental polices are changed in response. By applying the six theories, one can gain a better understanding of how RAN’s tactics are justified and effective. The utilitarian theory seeks the greatest good for the greatest number of people. In the article, the effort of RAN to hold corporations to a higher environmental standard appears to support the utilitarian theory. For example, RAN targeted Citigroup for its support of logging, mining, and oil-drilling projects due to the impact on rainforests, indigenous people, and the acceleration of global warming (Gunther, 2). Global warming, although a very long term problem, clearly has a world wide impact. Thus, by applying a utilitarian approach it appears that the greatest good for the greatest number of people is met by RAN’s efforts to stop global warming. Under the rights theory, consumers and corporations have the right to choose. Consumers must have the ability of choosing what is good or what is bad, without influence from third parties (Weiss, 88). From the article, it appears that RAN is a third party influencing both corporate decisions. For instance, RAN turned buyers against Boise Paper in order to influence where and how Boise purchases wood for their production of paper (Gunther, 4). However, most Americans have a low regard for big business, and most believe that RAN’s efforts are protecting the environment, thus RAN is essentially protecting the consumers’ rights from big business (Gunter, 3). The justice theory states that one must verify whether RAN’s efforts to influence corporate policy and decisions are a violation of the law (Weiss, 87). With a budget of $2.4 million and a staff under 30, RAN has to resort to some unique techniques to influence corporations that rank on the Fortune 500. These techniques include street theater, internet organizing, celebrity endorsement, and others, all for the purpose of bothering corporations until they give in (Gunther, 2). As long as the tactics used by RAN are legal, they are justified under the justice theory. The application of the free market theory assumes that as long as corporate action is not breaking any law; no interference by the government is essential (Weiss, 168).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Essay on ‘Rapid population growth’ Essay

The increase population in demand in resources will sparks the competition between the producers. The evolve of technology will help the population to develop. China is one of many countries that is taking the advantages of the rapid population. Population & development The world has been going through many changes recently. Two of the most noticeable changes are increase in population and development. Population Growth is a bane? There are two major theories supporting the populating growth being a bane. The two theories are: 1.Thomas Malthus theory Malthus theory claims that there is no way food supply can keep up with the population growth. Malthus believes that population will exceed food supply. 2.Coale & Hoover theory  Coale & Hoover theory believes that the increase in population will cause the people in government to spend more money in housings, schools and hospitals. They all have to spend portion of their income and have less savings. Conclusion of the theory: High population growth causes poor socio- economic development Policy Implications: Government should intervene to control population for example china one child policy Limitation of this theory: -Assumed economic growth as a function of only capital growth -Does not take into account the changes in technology and labor quality (through better heath and schooling of new generation) -Empirical evidence: Relationship not consistently negative (Blanchet) Two of the many theories supporting the population growth being a boon/blessing are (optimistic theory): 1.Ester Boserup  Ester Boserup claims that there is enough food to feed the world. The problem is the distribution of those goods. The improvement in agriculture tools allows from increase production rate. Urban farming is suggested for raising population. We will have more food available to our population if we have more producers. Urban farming can be one of the producers. 2.Julian Simon Simon believed that human innovation can satisfy many problems. He argues that population growth does not necessarily led to the resource depletion. He claims that we need problems to improve and they led to improvements. He mentioned that the more we use, the more we make. 3.Boserup -Population growth exerts a positive influence on economic development. -Human ingenuity would create the technology to overcome any environmental constraints to development (Boserup, Julion Simon).

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Cyclone Nilam

Cyclonic Storm Nilam (IMD designation: BOB 02, JTWC designation: 02B, also known as Cyclone Nilam) was the worst tropical cyclone to directly affect south India since Cyclone Jal in 2010. Originating from an area of low pressure over the Bay of Bengal on October 28, the system began as a weak depression 550 km (340 mi) east-northeast of Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. Over the following few days, the depression gradually intensified into a deep depression, and subsequently a Cyclonic Storm by October 30. It made landfall near Mahabalipuram on October 31 as a strong Cyclonic Storm with peak winds of 85 km/h (50 mph).In Chennai's Marina Beach, strong winds pushed piles of sand ashore and seawater reached nearly a 100 meters inland. Schools and Colleges in the city remained closed for more than three days. More than 3000 people were evacuated around Mahabalipuram in the wake of the storm. Schools and colleges in Chennai declared holidays until 1 November as 282 schools had been converted into r elief centers. Government offices and private organisations closed their operatins by 3 pm to ease traffic congestion. Cyclone shelters had been arranged in Nagapattinam and Cuddalore districts.Mahabalipuram faced power outages and 90 trees were uprooted and two huts were damaged. While damages to property were considerable, human casualties were very few. Nilam was initially estimated to have caused economic losses of around 700 million (US$12. 74 million) to 800 million (US$14. 56 million). The figures soon went up to 100 crore (US$18. 2 million). Later, as the Andhra Pradesh government conducted their review on the storm, it was revealed that the state suffered huge economic losses of 200 crore (US$36. 4 million).

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Bradford Assay

Bradford Protein Assay Practical Report 1. Present your data (including raw data and calculated concentrations) for the protein standards in the form of a clear table. Give one example of how you calculated protein concentration. Do not forget a descriptive title and units (4marks) Title either too long or not descriptive or absent Your results are in duplicate shouldn’t be referred to as ‘set1 set2’ or ‘original’ and ‘duplicate’ Many of you think units of absorbance are nm but A has arbitrary (ie no) units. nm indicates the ax of the chromophore Failure to give correct units in legends eg (ml) or (? g/ml) 2. Plot a graph of absorbance against protein concentration by hand. The graph should have an appropriate title and clearly labelled axes. Staple graph to the completed proforma and the Life Sciences submission sheet (4 marks) Mainly ok but both duplicate Abs- blank should be plotted and one line of best fit drawn through points. Do not extrapolate beyond the highest standard, you have no evidence that Beer-Lambert’s Law applies at high A. Make sure you choose appropriate scale and use full scale deflection on A4 graph paper. These types of graph are standard curves and that term should be in the title, remember we are not directly measuring the absorbance of protein, but a chromophore derived from the protein. 3. Present your data for unknown samples (including raw data and calculated concentrations of X Y) in the form of a clear table. Do not forget title and units. (4 marks) All data should be in one table but pay attention to typesetting and make sure that words/numbers are not split between 2 lines, this will lose marks. Absorbance of blank must be subtracted from values for unknown as they also contain non-specific absorbance. Many of you wrote dilutions incorrectly eg 1:2. The symbol : means ratio ? this actually means 1in 3. Either write as 1in 2 or 1:1 Never average absorbance-it’s not good practise (except for blank) you should convert to analyte then average your final results. Most dilute samples have least absorbance, many of you muddled your dilutions making final values incorrect. Always double-check arithmetic. If the final answer for the different dilutions don’t agree, look at your results and ask yourself if they seem right. Remember there is only one right answer for each unknown . Explain briefly each step of your calculations to find the protein concentration of X and Y, underlining your final answers. Convert to mg/ml. (6 marks) No need to explain how to read values from the std curve. Explain which absorbance values you read from the graph, what (if any) dilution factor you multiplied that value by, and then which answers you then averaged to get your final answers and why you ignored any data (eg poor duplicates or off scale cf standard- you cannot extrapolate beyond your std curve ) Some of you not using the proforma wrote too much. You will be penalised for exceeding allocated space in assignments, so be mindful of this 5. What is the chromophore measured in the Bradford assay? (2 marks) Many of you defined the term chromophore rather than describing the Bradford chromophore which is CBB + protein. (not CBB alone! ) The ? max at 595nm is formed when the dye binds to protein 6. What is the purpose of the blank? Why is it necessary to subtract the absorbance of the blank from all other results? (2 marks) The blank gives us the value for non-specific absorbance ; as we are interested in the specific (in this case protein) absorbance, we must subtract the blank absorbance from all other abs. values. Many of you didn’t subtract the blank from the unknown’s but as they are also mixtures of protein, NaCl and reagents measured in cuvettes, they also contain non-specific absorbance so you must subtract the blank. Many of you said the blank is used to zero the spectrophotometer (which it can be ) but we didn’t do that; we zeroed on water or NaCl then subtracted the blank mathematically. The blank you had to deduct was to remove the combined absorbances of water, NaCl and most importantly the dye in the uncomplexed state 7. The Biuret and Folin-Lowry are two other commonly used colourimetric protein assays. UV absorption can also be used to determine protein concentration. Describe the basis of these methods and compare them with the Bradford assay in terms of ease, sensitivity, range and interferences. (8 marks) You need to describe the biochemical basis(not the actual method) of the Biuret, Lowry and Bradford assays. The Lowry is a modification of the Biuret to improve it’s sensitivity so it’s appropriate to describe the Biuret method first , then describe the Lowry modification You need to state the range (the lowest- highest concentration they can detect) sensitivity(the lowest amount they can detect) for each assay. Some of you confused sensitivity with interference ie substances which, if present will give incorrect results. You need to state how reliable they are -whether they are prone to interferences. You could mention cost of reagents, ease of procedure Many of you placed too much emphasis on the ? ax of the different chromophores described but this is not really relevant. You need to state the wavelength at which proteins absorb UV radiation and which moieties in proteins absorb in the UV. ie at 280nm(near UV) it’s the aromatic amino acids, some of you also mention A200nm(far UV) at which peptide bonds absorb, although this is of little practical use. Note any inte rferences- remember many things absorb UV radiation Advantages of using UV- it’s non destructive so you can recover your sample for further investigation. Formula which relates UV absorption to protein concentration